SHALOM PEACE – Itapon Foundation Sangkhlaburi Branch

Sangkhlaburi Homecare Assistance Liaisons Of Mercy ~ Providing Education Assistance for Communities Everywhere

KRCH Archive: The People We Served at KRCH



The hospital provided care for a population of Thai, Karen, Mon and Burmese people, including a great number of displaced persons, refugees, permanent migrants and transient migrant workers from Burma, and residents of a large refugee camp nearby, in a mountainous rural area along Thailand’s border with Burma. In addition to patients from the local area, many patients were referred from the town of Sangklaburi or the border town of Three Pagodas Pass, and some travel from within Burma to reach the hospital. Particularly vulnerable people groups here include migrants who have no Thai citizenship papers and therefore no access to the government health services – KRCH had provided critical medical care to thousands of these people who would otherwise have none.

  • 60% of the population have no nationality or registration papers
  • 32% of outpatients were of Thai nationality and 68% were foreigners in 2010
  • 17% of inpatients were of Thai nationality and 83% were foreigners in 2010

In this ‘Ministry to the Least’, the hospital served to bring hope to a forgotten community by ministering to the health needs of the community and by sharing the Gospel.

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ (Matthew 25:40, NIV)


The People We Serve (Dr Phil McDaniel)

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